Program outline

This page describes the main aspects of the program. More detailed designs and description of each aspect are needed.


basic functionality

The end user will enter codes. The codes will be translated into characters. The charactes will form words and become a phrase. Once the phrase is completed the end user has a way to indicate this and the speech syntheziser will say the entire phrase. The phrase will be added to a chat list like window (for later reading) and a new phrase can be started.

future possibilities

For a future release there are the following ideas already:


The interface falls apart into three parts:

Input device

The program will have a modular structure in such a way that we can easily support different kind of input devices. During the development phase we will use input by keyboard to start with.

Several possible input devices:

Technology & components

The program will be written in Java. The many arguments in favor of this choice are a high degree of portability and the many components and source libraries we can use. Java has sufficient performance and a good degree of stability for the program.

For the graphical interface we will use the Java Swing library. There does exist a speech synthesizer in Java that we can use: FreeTTS.


In order to build a flexible program that can be adapted to the specific needs of a user a modular apprach is usefull.

For each module a Java interface will be designed. For the first version we will do the groundwork for this architecture but limit ourselves in the extent to which we support it. It will not be necessary to hot swap modules while the program is running.